She’s Going Down!

I’ve just done a recalculation of my collection… and for all my wheel and dealing, I’m lucky if I broke even at today’s prices!

Over Priced

The above games are an example of what I overpaid/traded for.  Collectively I traded $850 dollars worth of merchandise for these three games… which was an exceptional deal at the time!  Now collectively, these three games sell for around $610… that’s a 29% decrease in price since two years ago.  This is the reason I’m holding off on selling a lung and kidney for games such as Little Sampson, etc.!  I’m like a water : camels compared to NES games : Nintendo Joe.  I can wait dude!


I was missing these guys, so picked them up at the last Barrie Game exchange for a total of $30.  Not the best deal, but I haven’t seen them very often.  Honestly these games blow, but as I said they have been very elusive to my collection.


Back in the day, a guy offered me a mint condition version of this game for $125. Clearly this game was meant only for rich people!  I thought he was out to lunch… am I really going to pay that much to fight bloody carrots?!  Nope, I was going to pay $250 for the experience 4 years later and this was actually a deal even at today’s prices!

Maybe I’m getting old, and am thinking about my retirement in 20 years, but these games are just so damn expensive, and are going down in value!  If only I had invested in Google and Amazon when their stock was low I could quit now!

NintendoJoe1985 and Ultimate_Megatron on Instagram:)



Durham Game Convention 2018

Last Sunday April 8th, I went to the Durham Game Convention in Oshawa Ontario.  My dealer, Flavio said he had 1/3 of a table left over if I wanted to sell on it.  I’ve decided that it isn’t worth keeping the good SNES games that I kept from the previous sale last fall.  The reason is quite simply that every single game I kept is already on the unmodified SNES Classic… so great games like Super Metroid (my favourite), Secret of Mana, and my beloved boxed/complete Super Mario RPG were put up for sale.

A few days before the show, the Sega Dude put me in touch with a Kijiji post where the guy was selling a copy of Zombie Nation on the NES for $450… way over priced!  I politely said to the guy that if the game isn’t selling (it won’t) that I would be willing to pay him $300 for it (retail this game should sell for around $380), to which I received no reply.  No big deal… I wasn’t really expecting him to bite at my offer.  However, at the game swap, another dealer was selling the same game in mostly great condition for $350.  I told the guy that if I did well in selling at my table, then I would make him the same offer… $300 if it didn’t sell by the end of the show.


Behold, it didn’t sell, and I told the dude that I did well at my table, and that the offer still stood if he was interested.  It’s now officially my most expensive NES game as Dragon Fighter has really dropped in price since I picked it up… a fact my wife loves reminding me about!  Now I said that this copy of Zombie nation was in “mostly great condition”… the label is mint, and the front half of the cartridge is really good.  However the back half of the cart looks like someone put out a cigarette on it?!  It’s easy to fix, but come on… couldn’t they have put the cigarette out on their tongue like a real man?

This one dude dropped $400 at my table throughout the day and easily bought up 40% of what I was selling.  After all was said and done I sold a total of $600 in games.  I’m not sure how much I “made” as I can’t remember how much I paid for most of it… but I know I made quite a bit.

Pictured above is what was left of my SNES collection… while there was a lot of interest at the show, only one of my boxed games (Diddy Kong Racing) sold. There were also manuals and maps to Zelda, Mario All Stars, and Super Mario World.  As soon as I got home, I listed these remaining games on Kijiji, and in literally under a minute of posting, I had a response from a guy with an offer.  It was a bit low, but hey man I get it.  We agreed on a price and he picked up the whole lot for $400.  A really good deal for both him and I… I know I didn’t pay much for these pictured games, so I’m really happy with the sale.  I could have gotten more if I sold it piece by piece, but then I would have had to have all these people over to my house, put my dog in the back room so he doesn’t eat the customers, etc..

I’ve now got a bit of coin to spend around the retro gaming community.  Of course I’m looking to get the most for the least (who isn’t) and I figure I’ll do quite well at the Barrie Game Exchange this May 6th!



The above games were my other pickups at the Durham Game Swap.  Nothing special, but I didn’t have them, and I negotiated a fantastic price for them!

Highway Robbery!!

It’s summer holidays and my wife and I just got back from a trip to the pacific northwest United States.  We flew into Seattle, Washington and drove to San Francisco where we flew home.  We visited several National Parks, including Yosemite, Olympic Rainforest, Kings Canyon, etc..  We also stopped by in Astoria, Oregon to see all the sites from the 80’s classic movie The Goonies.  All in all it was an awesome trip, but of course that’s not really what this blog is about.  Onto the games that I found on our trip!


Firstly, there isn’t much to tell for several reasons… the biggest one being that my bag that contained all my loot was stolen from my car.  Some guy broke our back window and stole our passports AND GAMES:(  This was very upsetting as there were two good ones (well, maybe ‘good’ is a word I should reserve for special games).  Nevertheless I was looking forward to adding to my collection.


The best game that was stolen was Mario’s Time Machine for the NES.  This game was purchased from a store in Portland, Oregon called Video Game Wizards.  The store was difficult to find, and at first glance didn’t look like they had any games that I didn’t already have.  I asked the owner if he had some rare games, and he replied that they only had a copy of Mike Tyson’s Punch Out… a great game, but hardly rare, and was one of the first games I picked up when i decided to collect.  He said I could snoop behind the counter if I wanted as there were some misc titles that haven’t been put out yet, but he warned me that they were all commons so there wasn’t much point.  I did anyways and came up with Mario’s Time Machine.  It is much more uncommon on the NES than it is on the SNES… that being said it isn’t that great a game.  Plus, there was no price tag on it… I hate having to ask for prices as usually the owner will just look it up the inflated prices on Ebay and quote me some nonsense.  But he came back to me with $55.  I offered the guy $50US for the game and he accepted.  I was quite happy with this as according to my app, it sells for around $90CAN.  Even with the American/Canadian exchange rate being so crappy right now, I thought this was a deal.  BUT IT WAS STOLEN… so who cares!


Another game that I’ve been looking for, and found a decent copy of was Wizards & Warriors 3 for the NES.  It is rare that you find this game with an unsoiled label, but I found a good copy at a store called Blue Shell Gaming & Collectibles near Fresno, California.  The owner of this store was very friendly and we talked for a while about games… disagreed about which games were the best to play, then haggled a bit on the price.  We agreed to $50US for a copy of W&W3 and Ninja Crusaders and again I thought this was a rather good deal…. BUT IT WAS STOLEN… so who cares!

Their were a few other commons that are not even worth mentioning THAT WERE ALSO STOLEN!

So all in all, my trip was awesome, but would have been much better if we hadn’t had our car broken into.  The missing passports cost us an additional $1,200US as we had to reroute our flights to Buffalo, New York as this was the closest the airlines could bring us back to Toronto with out proper identity papers.  Personally I thought United Airlines gouged us in our time of need… not to mention gave us the crappiest seats possible for the flight. I’ll never fly with them again!

A special thanks to CDN for picking us up at the airport in Buffalo.  CDN doesn’t follow this blog though so he’ll never know about this shout out to him:(

Hopefully next time I’ll have more games to talk about that weren’t stolen.

SEGA Corner:  No news this post.


Nintendo Joe

The Reason I Sale

Last weekend myself and several friends went garage sailing as the area my parents live in was having their annual garage sale event.  Honestly, the pickings were really slim this year.  It seems to have been in decline every year for the decade that I’ve been going to this event.  The odd common Wii game here, and a copy of Namco Museum for the GBA was all that there was… in other words there was nothing even remotely interesting to look at, let alone talk about on here.  Who knew that at approximately 11:00am I would strike gold!


I found a box of gaming paraphernalia with the above sign taped to it at an unassuming older couple’s house.


The first thing in the box that caught my eye was a PS1 console and the above games.  Nothing to write home about as even though these games are complete, they along with the console are fairly worthless.  So I dug a little deeper…


Ahhh… some SNES manuals.  Not pictured is a sealed copy of all the manuals for the SNES console.  I already have these, but something told me to dig deeper and so I did…

IMG_8051Complete mint in box copies of the above games were found.  Now we’re talking!  Generally I don’t keep boxes unless they are for a really good game, however I already have a copy of F-Zero and I’m not interested at all in Extra Innings.  I used to love to play baseball, but playing the video game versions (regardless of the platform) always seemed really boring.  The Sega Dude expressed interest in having these so I’m going to give them to him.  Now that I was hot on the trail, I kept digging…


What’s this… Turbo Grafx-16 games?!  Even though these are sports titles, you never see games for the TG-16 any more.  In fact this is the first I have ever seen them at a garage sale… and I have been to a lot of sales!  However, this is fools gold compared to the 24K rock that I found at the bottom of the box…


Holy Toledo a Turbo Express and a copy of Bonk’s Adventure!!!  Now we’re talking!  When I first saw this I knew I had stuck gold.  I knew it was expensive but didn’t know just how valuable this was.  I figured it would sell for around $150, but after the Sega Dude told me that the Retro Game Bros. have it currently for sale with a price tag of $500 I was floored!  Can you say Cha-Ching!  I have zero interest in collecting for what is probably one of the most difficult systems to collect for, but I may be able to sell this and buy a really rare NES game that I otherwise wouldn’t have any business owning.  I’m going to keep this for a while to check it out… and see if this puppy actually works.  I don’t understand why it is so valuable as it is just a bulky hand held system with a REALLY small screen, but for some reason people are looking for these.

So, I’m $10 poorer than I was when I set out last Saturday, but I feel very lucky!  I scored huge!

SEGA Corner:  The events described above didn’t happen exactly as I told it… in fact I didn’t even see the sign that said it was all for $10.  I saw the mint SNES boxed games first, and then the Turbo Express… and I knew I had to have it.  When the guy came out asking for only $10 I was giddy with adrenaline.  The other games were just a bonus… if only the previous owner wasn’t such a sports fan but rather was into RPG’s instead:(  Oh well I shouldn’t complain… but there was one more find in that good box…


It’s not very exciting… maybe even a bit of a let down compared to the rest, but I’m going to mention it anyway to keep SEGA Corner alive.

Until next time,

Nintendo Joe

How Obnoxious, and Who Knew?!

It’s one thing to get beaten to a garage sale, but the competition is starting to become obnoxious.  While garage sailing this past weekend I went to several sales and gave my usual greeting of “Good morning… you don’t by chance have any Nintendo for sale do you?”  Usually I get told “sorry we don’t”, or “sorry I’m keeping it”, and occasionally I get told “you should have been here earlier.”  Now I can understand the getting there earlier thing and of course the desire to keep these little treasures, but I was told something new last weekend that I hope is just a one off.  I approached this one sale and was told that the games had already sold….no big deal… as I said I get that all the time (hey, you can’t hit every sale at once!)  Now what was interesting about this particular sale was that this family was supposed to have this event two weekends ago, but the weather was cold and wet so they cancelled.  Apparently, some jerk came to their door anyways and asked for the games.  I was astounded… how obnoxious!  I can’t imagine someone coming to my door wanting to buy something when I don’t have a sale going on.  My wife tells me that this is just the type of thing that the people I watch on Youtube do, but I think this is well past most of us.  Or is it… what do you think?

IMG_8030 IMG_8031

Anyways the above two games are what I found garage sailing as most regular people do, and for the price of $4, how could I go wrong?!  Now when I first saw these games, I recognized Harvest Moon as being a fairly popular title. I had never heard of Radiant Dawn before, but was somewhat familiar with the Fire Emblem series.  Apparently this is one of the rarest, most sought after, and expensive Wii games out there.  Xenoblade Chronicles falls behind all three categories, and that’s saying something because supposedly it is an incredible game.  So no, I’m not going to sell/trade it…at lest not yet.  I want to see what all the hype is about.  Is it just expensive because it’s rare?  Lets face it, the Nintendo has put out some pretty crappy games that are now rare and expensive because no one bought them when they were first released…. Colour a Dinosaur, Donkey Kong Junior Math, etc.).  Is this the fate of Radiant Dawn?  Well I think this is worth a look-see and I plan on hooking up my Wii to give this baby a test drive.  This is the first really rare video game I’ve ever owned so I’m rather excited about it.  And if it sucks I’ll sell it for 100 bucks and take my wife out on the town.  In the end I’m doing all this collecting for her!  I love you honey;)


I found the above book in a bin at a yard sale.  Too bad that this was the only Nintendo item they had.  It would have been pretty sweet to get the games that this guidebook goes with.  In fact, The Legend of Zelda:  Oracle of Seasons is the only Zelda title that I am missing… oh no wait, I don’t have a copy of Hyrule Warriors either so I take that back.


The Sega Dude actually got me to use my PS4 as something other than a device that plays Netflix.  He kind of bullied me into playing a game called “The Division” with him, and I must say I’m rather glad he did.  I enjoy gaming, but lately the newer games are a bit much for me… I must be getting old!  But The Division is actually pretty good.  The mechanics and graphics are great, though I fear it will become rather repetitive and boring as I work my way through the game.  That being said I’ve not entered the Dark Zone yet and I hear this is where it really gets interesting.  I’m going to go rogue and get me some loot!  Anyways after we were done playing, the Sega Dude asked if I wanted to go visit the Retro Game Bros..  As I’ve not been there in a while I figured why not?!  They are a pretty cool bunch of guys that like to talk about retro games.  Hopefully they aren’t getting tired of it yet.  Actually I’m rather envious of them as they have done what I can only dream of doing… opening up a retro game store.  The thing that’s held me back is that I would have to quite my day job that I already do okay at, and don’t entirely hate.  The other reason is that I really feel that the popularity of video game collecting right now is just a fad.  I mean even three years ago games were about half as expensive as they are now.  Those were the days… actually ten years ago were the days for retro collecting.  It is so popular now that it has almost become cliche, and I’m starting to feel like a moron every time I ask for Nintendo at yard sales.  Since when has that stopped me though?!  I just don’t think I’ll be going door to door asking for games just yet… but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures… and times are becoming rough for game collectors like us:(

Until next time,

Nintendo Joe.

Video Game Vacation


Well it is March Break and unfortunately because of the crappy exchange rate we will not be going down to Florida this year.  It’s hard to pass up all those flea markets on the way down, but the CAN dollar just really sucks right now.  So we are going to the lovely Kingston, Ontario for a few days.  It’s just to get away for a bit.  Of course it doesn’t hurt that Belleville is on the way (I had a lot of success last year at a video game store here last year so I’m anxious to go back) .  Who knows what goodies I’ll come home with?!  However although my hopes are up, I know that retro game prices have also gone up… so Belleville might be a downer… but as it is on the way to our destination it’s worth a look-see:)

After years of trying, I’ve finally broken the Value Village code… I know what day and what time is the best to go and pick up loot.  I can’t divulge all my secrets, but don’t worry… Nintendo Joe has your back!


This was the first pick up.  Now my Japanese is a little rusty, but I believe that this is a game called Peetan.  The game (like many gameboy games) is rather simple in that you have to drop eggs down from the top platform to spring up your chicks that are being hunted by a big bad wolf.  Check out the game here.  I picked it up for $3.50 just because the label looked kind of interesting.  I had no idea that the game was going for $85US on Ebay!  Now I’m not crazy, I know this is only an asking price… and everyone on Ebay thinks their stuff is worth a fortune, but even at half that price I scored big!  I don’t really have any attachment to it, so I’ll probably use it as trade bait.SNES-Mod1-Console-SetSNES-Mod1-Console-Set

That’s right… not one, but two Super Nintendo consoles!  For $35 bucks each plus a 30% discount how could I refuse?  Again, more trade bait… I’m hoping to get $50 each in trade as they are both in excellent condition.  I know I could probably get more for them if i sold them on Kijiji, but then you have to deal with the back and forth emails, and meeting up with the person… it isn’t worth the extra few bucks.  Plus you never know what kind of psychos there are out there.

This next game is.IMG_7902.. and please excuse my rough Japanese translation, but I think it is the Sailor Moon R game for the Gameboy.  Again I paid $3.50 once all was said and done, however this one might be a bit more difficult to unload in trade as the game requires that you speak Japanese.  You can see the game play here.   Please don’t waste your time and watch the entire hour and twenty minute video…. I didn’t.  It goes for about $18 on Ebay, so I hope to get $10 out of it.  Or maybe I’ll just give it to my room mate from college… he was into Sailor Moon at the time… not sure why?!

Sega Corner:  The post wouldn’t be complete if not for a comment on the Sega Dude.  He gave me a few items that are pretty cool.  The first is a Super Mario All Star’s manual.  It is in mint shape, and I’m not sure why he had an extra copy of it, but I’ll give it a good home:)


The next two things he gave me were a copy of Legacy of the Wizard and Shinobi for the NES.  Shinobi is a good game, but Legacy of the Wizard is garbage… however for some reason I don’t have either in my collection so it is a welcomed addition:)


That’s all for now.  Until next time,

Nintendo Joe


Waterloo Game Swap 2015

Before we get started on this weeks post, I thought I would direct your attention to this website (click here) which has a very funny video making fun of us video gaming nerds.  We’re so lame!

Anyways this weeks post is about the game swap in Waterloo Ontario that happened on March 29th, 2015.  What is there really to say… it was a good swap.  I sold nearly all my merchandise and made a profit of around $220… which I then spent on more games to add to my collection.  Apparently my prices were “really good” and “the lowest at the show” according to several customers.  Hey man… I was able to add to my collection and that’s what counts to this nerd!

IMG_1161This is a picture of my buddy Flavio and I at the swap.  Between him, the Sega Dude, and I, he really came out on top with a whopping $900 in sales… and he was able to pick up several quality NES titles like Toki and Times of Lore for cheap which I am extremely jealous of.  At least the Sega Dude isn’t lording these games over me!

IMG_5187We managed to score a copy of Xenoblade Chronicles for our friend the Stone Mason.  The price tag says $75 but I negotiated a deal for $70 which doesn’t sound like much but the game goes for much more than that in the stores.  I have no idea what type of game it is, but the Stone Mason really wanted it and thus he now has it.  I would promote his site, but I think he has given up on that:(  So let me know…. what type of game is this?  I know it is an RPG, but is it actually any good?  Maybe I’ll borrow it some day from my friend and defeat it, but until then I’ll have to rely on your comments IMG_5188when deciding if it is any good or not.

I picked also picked up a copy of Mario Party 7 for the Game Cube.  It isn’t anything special, but the Mario Party games are kind of fun.  That being said, I bet they were a lot more fun back in the day.  I wanted this title for no other reason than I didn’t have it in my collection and for some strange reason I’ve started accumulating all the Mario Party games.  I’m missing Mario Party 1, 3, and 9… the latter being for the Wii U which I also do not own yet… I’m close though… ever so close!

IMG_1167This is a picture of me and my buddy Jay Bartlett who is starring in the upcoming movie Nintendo Quest.  Actually the movie used to be called NES Club, but Nintendo Quest is a much better name as the former didn’t make any sense at all.  The movie is basically about him visiting game stores all over the United States and Canada in order to build a complete NES collection.  We don’t know his budget, but we do know he travelled a crazy distance in order to complete the quest.  Was he successful?  I don’t know.  As close as we are (which is like fire and ice apart) he wouldn’t tell me.  I look forward to seeing your video Jay, and good luck.  My prediction is that he failed, but I’m hoping I’m wrong.  The reason I’m so pessimistic is because there are tons of obscure NES games and I can’t see how on earth he would be able to buy them all.  One of the rules is that he is not allowed to buy games online… only in person at the stores.  Unfortunately they don’t say how much he pays for the games which to me is a really important fact.  I mean who cares if you picked up a copy of Mega Man for $80… for crying out loud I could do that!  Fortunately I already own this title:)

IMG_5186Sega Corner:  So I managed to pick up a copy of my beloved Phantasy Star II and a copy of Granada for the Sega Genesis.  These games are both awesome.  If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know that Phantasy Star II is my favourite RPG of all time… almost blasphemous coming from a website dedicated to Nintendo I know, but true never the less.  Phantasy Star 1, 2, and 4 are the best RPG’s to me. 3 just sucked! Perhaps I’m a bit nostalgic, but ya… they are better then anything Nintendo has thrown at me.  That being said Super Metroid is over all the best game I have ever played so take that Sega!  Granada is a simple but really fun shooter with great graphics and music.  I remember beating the game for the first time in front of all my friends in the Sega Dude’s basement in the early 90’s.  Crazy as it may sound, no one of the female sex was impressed:(  It did however score me a few high fives from the boys!  Oh Granada… how you tried to best me, but in the end it was I who was victorious!

See you next time.

Nintendo Joe


Welcome Home Robbie!!



What else is there to say… R.O.B. was an awesome find!  Thanks Sega Dude for setting up the three way trade on Kijiji.  In the end he cost me $130 for a complete Robbie with the exception of his hands that I have to purchase on Ebay… if they are even available.  Either way, he is a great addition to the collection, and looks fantastic on my shelf!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADid you know Mega Man 5 was on the NES was banned in Vietnam?  I can’t say I blame them… The reason:  Napalm Man brought back too many horrible memories.  Not to mention the fact that the setting for the level was eerily familiar to that of the Vietnamese countryside.  To add salt to an already festering wound, one of the traps in level were none other than the Viet-Cong punji sticks (6″ wooden spikes laced in feces to promote infection).  Also, the majority of the level was spent exploring the same tunnels that the Viet-Cong used in the American War.  YIKES!

Megaman_PC_Robot_MastersOn a completely separate note, I’ll never finish my Mega Man collection.  I thought I was doing well for having all the NES Mega Man titles, but last Friday I was schooled by this youtube video I found on the History of Mega Man.  It’s a pretty cool video as it goes over every single Mega Man game ever created… well, almost… they left out the absolutely horrible Mega Man game that came out for the PC in 1990.  I’ve taken the liberty of adding it to the list of Mega Man titles at the end of this blog entry.

6114.megamanboo.jpg-610x0Another cool youtube video I found was on a band called the Bit Brigade.  In this video they are performing a concert of ALL the Mega Man 2 music.  What makes it work is that they have some dude playing the game on a large back drop, and line up the music to his level of play… which is really good… I don’t remember ever beating the game with only one life… that second last Wily stage where you needed to use the crash bombs on the turrets was just too difficult and I usually ended up cheating by blowing up the walls first, getting killed, refilling my crash bombs, then doing the stage a second time only the walls were left destroyed from the last life.  This probably only makes sense to those of you whom have completed Mega Man 2 before… otherwise it is probably just gibberish.  But the Bit Brigade seem like a very talented band.  I wish they would have added the Top Man theme from Mega Man 3 as that is my favourite Mega Man riff of all time.  I tried the other day to play it on guitar (which I’ve recently picked up again) but it was just too hard for me right now.  Something to shoot for in the future I suppose.  Check out this dude playing it…CLICK HERE FOR THE TOP MAN THEME ON GUITAR!!

Aside watching youtube, I’ve been downloading my NES, SNES, and N64 cover art as recently I had a shipment of 300 universal game cases arrive.  Its a ton of work, but I do enjoy it… plus it breaths some new life into otherwise really crappy games.  Yes i’m the first to admit that many of the NES games were really really bad… especially, but not limited to the unlicensed games.  But every now an then, Nintendo would give us a really great game that would make us forget about all the other garbage they made us purchase.  While the Mega Man games had the best graphics, and were my favourite overall, I can’t help but feel that Zelda II: The Adventure of Link was the best game on the system in terms of game mechanics, difficulty, and overall fun factor… but this is just my humble opinion.

Sega Corner:  Not really anything too exciting, but my small Sega collection actually does have a corner now in my collection.

Until next time… oh wait, all the Mega Man titles that i promised you.  Here they are in chronological order:

Mega Man (1987)

Mega Man II (1989)

Mega Man III (1990)

Mega Man (1990) PC

Mega Man IV (1991)

Mega Man: Dr. Wily’s Revenge (1991)

Mega Man V (1992)

Wily and Right’s RockBoard: That’s Paradise (1993)

Mega Man X (1993)

Mega Man 6 (1994)

Mega Man’s Soccer (1994)

Mega Man: The Wily Wars (1994)

Mega Man X2 (1994)

Mega Man 7 (1995)

Mega Man: The Power Battle (1995)

Mega Man X3 (1995)

Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (1996)

Mega Man 8 (1997)

Mega Man: Battle & Chase (1997)

Mega Man X4 (1997)

Mega Man Legends (1997)

Mega Man & Bass (1998)

Super Adventure Rockman (1998)

Rockman Complete Works (1999)

Rockman and Forte: Mirai Kara no Chousensha (1999)

Rockman Gold Empire (1999)

The Misadventures of Tron Bonne (1999)

Rockman Battle and Fighters (2000)

Mega Man Legends 2 (2000)

Rockman Strategy (2001)

Mega Man X5 (2001)

Mega Man X6 (2001)

Mega Man Xtreme (2001)

Mega Man Xtreme 2 (2001)

Mega Man Battle Network (2001)

Mega Man Battle Network 2 (2001)

Mega Man Zero (2002)

Mega Man Battle Network 3 White (2002)

Mega Man X7 (2003)

Mega Man Zero 2 (2003)

Mega Man Network Transmission (2003)

Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue (2003)

Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (2003)

Rockman.EXE WS (2003)

Rockman.EXE N1 Battle (2003)

Rockman Power Battle Fighters (2004)

Mega Man X8 (2004)

Mega Man X: Command Mission (2004)

Mega Man Zero 3 (2004)

Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun (2004)

Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon (2004)

Rockman.EXE 4.5 Real Operation (2004)

Rockman.EXE Phantom of Network (2004)

Mega Man Zero 4 (2005)

Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team ProtoMan (2005)

Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team Colonel (2005)

Mega Man Battle Network 5 Double Team DS (2005)

Rockman.EXE: The Medal Operation (2005)

Rockman.EXE Battle Chip Stadium (2005)

Mega Man: Powered Up (2006)

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X (2006)

Mega Man ZX (2006)

Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzar (2006)

Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar (2006)

Mega Man Star Force: Leo / Pegasus / Dragon (2006)

Mega Man ZX Advent (2007)

Rockman.EXE Legend of Network (2007)

Mega Man Star Force 2: Zerker × Ninja (2007)

Mega Man Star Force 2: Zerker × Saurian (2007)

Shooting Star Rockman: Wave Change! On Air! (2007)

Mega Man 9 (2008)

Intuition! Rockman (2008)

Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace (2008)

Mega Man Star Force 3: Red Joker (2008)

Mega Man: Rush Marine (2009)

Rockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star (2009)

Mega Man 10 (2010)

Rockman Diver (2011)

Street Fighter X Mega Man (2012)

Rockman Xover (2012)

Mighty No. 9 (2015)






How I Long for 2008!

If only I got into this game collecting hobby sooner… 2008 to be exact.  At some point in ’08 I could have picked up Snow Brothers on the NES for less than 50 bucks. That would be a deal considering I’ll be paying a minimum of $150 for it now:(  I guess I could wait and let this video game fad fade away, but that just wouldn’t be any fun.  Besides, my old man has been trying to get me to sell my Transformer collection for the last decade, yet their value has remained relatively constant for the last 20 years.  I can’t wait that long to complete my nintendo collection (keep in mind I only intend to get the official Nintendo games, so I don’t have to worry about getting my hands on a copy of Nintendo World Championships… that should save me nearly $25,000:).  I don’t know why the aforementioned game is so expensive as it isn’t even that good.  I guess it’s super rare, but I could never justify the price tag.  The most expensive game (please correct me if I am wrong) I need to get into my collection is Stadium Events… which goes for a measly sum of $4,500.  I just don’t have that type of disposable income.  I’ll have to fund raise for the rest of my life to get this last game!  Right now my claim to fame is that I have a mint copy of Mega Man 5 which isn’t much, but it puts a smile on my face.

2309093-09_40973_0_0_blazeonI thought I would review a game in this post.  The game up for review is Blazeon: The Bio-Cyborg Challenge on the SNES.  I’m not really one to beat around the bush so I’ll get right to it:  This game sucks and I can’t believe I spent $28 on this piece of crap!  The best part about this game is it’s cover (which was the reason I bought it).  The old saying “never judge a book by it’s cover” seems really meaningful here.  The only other good thing about the game was watching your ship explode into pieces whenever you were hit by enemy fire.  Here are a few reasons why I would not recommend this game:

1.  Lack of power-ups.  What makes a shooter fun is the power-ups you collect along the way to make your ship more powerful… this game had hardly any.

blaze_arc42.  Some obstacles will kill you while others you can fly right past… and there is no way to differentiate one from the other.

3.  The boss music becomes annoying very quickly!  This is a shame as in my opinion can make or break a game.  This game is broken.

4.  While the graphics were generally pretty good, there are times when nothing at a all is happening.  No enemies or obstacles on the screen.  It’s almost as if they wanted to make this game a certain length to play through, but ran out of ideas for some parts.  This makes sense as the levels became rather boring very quickly.

5.  Lack of an auto fire option.  My thumbs aren’t used to this kind of marathon button mashing and cramped up really quickly.  Perhaps I’ll revisit the game (yeah right) once I purchase a rapid fire game pad.

6.The Thunder Fblazeon1orce ship looked way cooler and was far superior in terms of design and fire power.  Heck even Opa Opa and the R-Type ship had a bigger arsenal!

So over all i was very disappointed in this game and would only recommend it as torture for prisoners doing hard time in a federal penitentiary.

In other news, I tried out the Game Boy Advance title “Mario vs. Donkey Kong”.  I wasn’t expecting much, but this game is actually pretty cool.  It is a fusion of a platformer with a puzzle solving game where you have to figure out how to solve each stage before finally facing off against Kong.  The music was a compilation from past titles such as the original 1981 Donkey Kong, Mario_vs_Donkey_Kongmixed with Super Mario Bros., and some new stuff.  Mario’s “mamma-mia” after being killed can get a tad annoying after a while, but this is easy to put up with after playing Blazeon.  I can’t wait to try out this title on the Retron 5, though admittedly it might best be viewed on the 2.5″ x 2.5″ screen of the GBA.


Sega Corner:  No news to report on this week.

Take care,

Nintendo Joe


A Little of This A Little of That…

This week has been great for mynintendodimension.  I’ve made many acquisitions for the display cases.  I purchased 36 NES games from a dude named Flavio… perhaps the coolest name I’ve heard in quite some time… I may even name my gold fish after him?!  The other two fish in the tank are Cory and Trevor of Trailer Park Boys fame.  Notable titles that I picked up are The Terminator, Bubble Bobble, Journey to Silus (which apparently was originally supposed to be a Terminator game of which the company lost the license for… the last boss looks exactly like a CSM-101), and Punch out… I already have Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, but not this variation of the same game… probably the best sports game made on the NES… I usually hate sports games.

I also made my way to Peterborough/Lakefield area last weekend and made a major score.  For $40 I got my hands on a great copy of Phantasy Star IV.  Obviously not a Nintendo game, but one of the greatest Sega Genesis games of all time… which was a relief because part III was bloody awful… I still want it though:(


Also purchased from the Lakefield flea market where a copy of Terminator 2, Castelian, Kickle Cubicle, Pinball Quest and Rock ‘n Ball for the NES… the last three of which were thrown in for free as I was buying several games.  Fred (the owner of the booth) is awesome like that and I love doing business with him and hope he stays around for a good long while! I also got a copy of Blazeon for the SNES from him. At $28 it is a lot of money, but not when you consider it is usually listed at $36.  While Fred had two other raIMG_4699re games (Metal Storm, and Mighty Final Fight), I just couldn’t justify spending what he wanted for them… close to $250.  My wife would kill me if I spent this much on two games… even if they are rare and great!

From a store in Peterborough called Chumleighs I managed to score a copy of the elusive Thunder Spirits (which is basically just Thunder Force III on the SNES with two additional levels) which I’m rather excited about.  And at the  Value Village I bought complete copies of Conduit I & II for the Wii… yay!


Yes I’ve been spending a lot of money lately… but I’ve also been selling some stuff for a profit… or loss depending on how you look at it as I reinvest it into my Nintendo display in my basement.  At Value Village my wife found a mini arcade version of Donkey Kong for $25.  I sold it on Kijiji to a guy for $75 which seems to be the going rate.  I’ve also gotten a few bites on an extra N64 I’m trying to get rid of.  It works great and comes with the memory expansion… and is priced at $65 which is far cheaper than any other ad on Kijiji for the same thing.  It isn’t moving though… perhaps people just aren’t interested in the 64… Not that I blame them as the system is my least favourite of all Nintendo consoles.

In other news, I’ve finished modifying all 200 cases and cut out all the covers for my NES games.  This puts me approximately half way finished with my collection to date.  It’s a ton of work, and while not expensive per case (approx. $2 including printing costs) does add up when you are doing so many.  I’ve been trying to do 5 cases a day for the last while, and it is amazing how fast time flies!  After I get some shelving to put all my games on I’ll make another post.

Sega Corner:  There has been a little bit of additions to the honorary Sega department.  The infamous Sega Dude gave me a really good copy of Phantasy Star for the Sega Master System.  Unfortunately I have to hook up my SMS in order to play it and I’m just to darn lazy.  I’ll wait until I get the Power Base Converter for my Retron 5… I’m told this will be expensive though so I may have to rethink my strategy.  I may end up wrapping Phantasy Star up and giving it to myself as a Christmas present from Santa… Somehow he always knows what to give me!  Also purchased from Flavio (the guy mentioned above) was a great copy of the SMS game Golvellius: Valley of Doom, and Fantazy Zone II… both games of which are awesome and I can’t wait to play.

Speaking of Fantasy Zone, I was watching a youtube video of a guy playing the arcade version… and remembered why I didn’t like it much as a kid.  The arcade is WAY more difficult than the Master System version!  You can check it out here at Fantasy Zone and Fantasy Zone II.  I must take my hat off to this guy as clearly he has some major talent!

Until next time,

Nintendo Joe