The God’s Must be Crazy!

Flintstones WTF

The Original Flintstones for $440?

Now I know for sure that the video game God’s have gone completely insane… was charging $440USD for the Flintstones:  Rescue of Dino and Hoppy several weeks ago!  The game usually sells for no more than $20, and that’s pushing it as the title isn’t rare, and isn’t that good!

Flintsontes WTF2

I’d like to say that JJgames got it wrong, and realized their error in that it wasn’t Surprise at Dinosaur Peak, but here we have the reduced price of $90USD for the same game a few weeks later?!  I’ve ordered from these guys before as if you really scan their website there occasionally is a deal to be had… but 99% of the time I feel that they way overcharge… that being said they’ve been around for a long time, and if they are getting their asking price, more power to them!  In fact I no longer see this game on their website… does anyone want my copy of the original Flintstones for an unreasonable price?!

Bubble Bobble 2

This is a screen shot from  Again I’ve ordered from them before several years ago, but seeing as I only need rare titles for my NES collection I doubt I’ll be doing business with them again.  In the above picture, you can see that they are charging $276.47USD for Bubble Bobble 2.  This is actually a semi-reasonable price considering that it usually goes for around $300USD according to my collectors app, and  I sent them a request to check the condition of the label, and they replied that they wouldn’t bother.  I requested again and told them that this isn’t a $5 game we are talking about… and was still rejected (reading between the lines I can infer that it isn’t even worth their effort)?!  WTF?!  Do they not care about customer service even for higher priced items?!  I want to be wined and dined for this kind of cash!

When I was in Miami several years ago I asked if I could see the Lukie Games warehouse, and was told that it wasn’t possible.  Here I am 1,500Km away from home, and they still wouldn’t accommodate me?!  It’s not a difficult decision to cut them off from my business and recommendations!  Suck it Lukie Games!

The trend on retro game prices still seems to be declining though… I can wait for my $400 copy of Little Samson!

Nintendo Joe

New Acquisition!


Wow have I ever been getting hits from Australia… G’day mate, how about we toss another shrimp on the barby!  Sorry, even though this Paul Hogan travel advertisement is SOOOO cliche, it not only dates me, but is still kind of funny?!  I mean after all, Crocodile Dundee put Australia on the map for most of us North Americans… well that and that Lex Luther, the evil villain from Superman wanted to rule the continent!


I picked up this little bad boy from  It was advertised as “stickers on cartridge”, and I wish I only paid what the sticker asking price was (probably in the 1990’s).  Unfortunately, this worst ever Nintendo Entertainment System game goes for A LOT more these days!  That being said, the advertised price was fair for today’s value, plus I had a discount as a repeat customer, so it made the price even better!  But ya, it is a really dumb game where you actually have to shade in different dinosaurs… I believe within a time limit to win the game, but then again I’m only speculating as I’ve never played it, and never will!


While we are on the topic of JJgames, it is of note to mention that they sold their copy of Little Sampson for an asking price of $1350US… now this doesn’t include any discounts they may have offered to certain customers, but even at my rate the game was too expensive!  C’mon Pat (whose an NES punk!)… let your prophecy come true!  It’s a $400 dollar game, no more, no less!


For Christmas, I bought a download of Cuphead for the Segadude and I must say that I have really enjoyed playing it with him!  The graphics are in a 1930’s cartoon style are so much fun!  Now I must admit that as a big time old school Disney fan, I’m a bit bias, but I love it!  It is boss heavy, very difficult, yet super fun… if you have an Xbox One, I highly recommend it!  I will not rest until I have collected all those souls!

There has been an article in the Toronto Star about video game addiction… well as far as I’m concerned suck it up dude!  It’s not like you are sticking a needle into your vein!  Just stop playing!  I’m sure easier said than done, but c’mon, fortnite isn’t THAT good!  I must say though that it has inspired some pretty cool dance moves that all the kids know almost professionally!  The article about video game addiction… specifically related to fortnite can be found here.

Anyways, apparently the Sega Dude has a bunch of extra blank cases that have a tab on the top… I guess that is a big deal?!?  Anyways I’m supposed to bring over all my Sega Master System games over to his place soon so I can upgrade them!  Awesome!

Until next time,

Nintendo Joe

Change in Direction?!

Lately I’ve been pondering where this blog is going.  I haven’t exactly been keeping up with the theme of Nintendo, or even retro video gaming in general.  The reason is that my NES finds are very few, and far between.  If I posted only an acquisition, I would likely have a biannual entry.  That’s why I’ve been talking about current events and goings on along with my hobby news… and while I haven’t received any criticism, I’m not sure it is appreciated among my legions of loyal followers.  Although I’m not usually needy, I’m asking for feedback in the comments section.  While I get extremely excited about new NES acquisitions, I also really enjoy putting out there what I think about the current climate.  What I might end up doing is putting the retro video gaming section news first, and my additional comments later so you aren’t forced to read them.  Here it goes.

Gaiares back cover

I’ve noticed a flaw in my “mint” Gaiares game for the Sega Genesis that I picked up last week.  There is a slight gouge on the back of the cover through the UPC code.  It is a very minor flaw, but honestly I’m not sure I would have picked it up (even at the discounted rate) if I had been aware.  I’m usually better than this, but I must have been caught up in the big discount.  Perhaps I’ll swap the cover for the Sega Dude’s when he isn’t looking!

My wife gave me the news the other day that they have made a Primus themed pinball machine.  While I appreciate pinball for it’s arcade nostalgia, I never really was into it.  That being said I loved Primus in high school!  That Les Claypool has to be one of the best bassists in alternative rock.  My favorite song has to be Tommy the Cat, but I think Jerry was a Race Car Driver would be a better theme for the pinball machine.  Honestly, the machine looks rather weak in it’s play-field, but a Primus themed version lead by front man Les Claypool who played a fretless bass guitar and tuned the thing as part of the song’s progression gives it reason to notice.  He might not be the best bass player of all time, but at least he was the best of the music genre!

Have you checked out the copy of Little Samson on lately?  It’s actually gone UP in price for no apparent reason.  It currently sells for $1873US on the site… what’s going on over there?!  In fact all of the major online retro gaming sites have outrageous prices…,,,…. I mean if they are getting what they are asking, then more power to them… but there is no way in Hell I’m paying those prices!

That’s me on the right on Halloween.  I went out as the infamous manager of the heavy metal band GWAR, entrepreneur extraordinaire, Sleazy P. Martini.  That guy has confidence like no one else!  If you need anything… and I mean anything!  You have but to ask Mr. Martini.  He ran for president back in the 1990’s, and the country would have been run into the ground even faster than Donald Trump is currently leading it!  That takes dedication!


What do these women all have in common?  All four of them are token female NFL correspondents during regular broadcasts on various channels. My wife and I argue about this all the time, but as most of you know, I am a feminist…


Pvt. Vasquez

… for as you know (if you are a follower of this blog), Private Vasquez is my favorite Colonial Space Marine from the movie Aliens!  I’m a fighter for female equality, and personally I’m offended that these female NFL correspondents get such a lousy role!  I mean if the NFL was serious about incorporating women into their broadcasts, there would be at least ONE in their main sportscasters!  Now before you jump all over me, not all the great ones are ex-players.  I don’t believe the infamous Joe Buck every played on an NFL team… yet he is one of the premiere announcers.  Now honestly I don’t mind a dominantly male cast calling an exclusively men only league, but let’s not pretend to care about diversity when it’s so bloody obvious that they don’t!

That’s all for now,

Nintendo Joe